What Are We Looking For?
We are looking to publish devotionals that cover a large spectrum of themes based on a biblical, non-biblical, spiritual-but-not-religious, interfaith, or a blend of spiritual inspiration.
Our Bible App strives to have something for everyone, so we greatly welcome the voices of those whose experiences have been minimized or left out of mainstream faith media, alongside the more commonly-covered experiences.
You are free to submit a devotional written around any topic, provided it is relevant to our audience and will comply with our Publishing Policy.
Open Pitch Call
We are currently accepting pitches to commission devotionals. This is a paid writing opportunity. Scroll to the bottom of this page for details.
Who Is Our Audience?
Our readership is made up of a wide spiritual/religious spectrum — many of whom are progressive/deconstructing Christians, agnostics, skeptics, exvangelical. Most of our readers are just looking to access the Christian faith they already love, but without harmful theologies that disrespect non-Christian religious experiences or are inherently tainted with white supremacy, sexism, homophobia, purity culture, ableism, and fundamentalism.
Who Can Submit a Devotional?
Anyone is welcome to submit a finished devotional! You don’t have to be a published author for your submission to be considered for publication on Our Bible App.
If you are searching for information about our paid devotional writing opportunities, scroll to the bottom of this page.How to Submit a Finished Devotional:
FIRST, complete these requirements:
- Download the app.
- Become familiar with the content and Our Bible App's mission.
- Read and understand our Publishing Policy and Author Agreement —
By submitting content to Our Bible App, you agree to the terms of our Author Agreement.
THEN, you may write your devotional according to the following guidelines.
Finished Devotional Submissions should include the following:
- Title and Theme: Must clearly relate to the focus of your devotional
- No less than 3 days of the devotional, with each day consisting of:
Bible passage or Quote: Whether your devotional is drawing wisdom from the Bible or another source of scripture/inspiration, please include necessary source information after each quoted passage:
- Quoted Bible passages must include the book, chapter, verse, and Bible translation/version. EXAMPLE: Matthew 5:10-12 (NRSV).
- If using quotes from published texts, please include copyright information (publisher, title, author, year published, page(s) passage is found on).
- Main Message: Budget about 250-550 words per message, per day. Your message should be concise, and each day should have one clear focus/main purpose for your readers.
- Call to Action: Conclude each day with a final thought, prayer, reflection question(s), or task to encourage your reader to do something with what they've just read.
When you have completed your devotional, click the button below to submit it for review.
Accepted submissions will be edited for formatting, grammar, readability, and content clarity before publication.
Open Pitch Call / How Can I Get Paid to Write a Devotional?
If you are an experienced writer (or are experienced in the field of your proposed devotional topic), and you are interested in submitting a devotional for pay:
- Go to ourbibleapp.com/pitch to view the list of devotional topics we plan to publish and their due dates.
- Then, send a pitch for your proposed devotional. If you are a first-time writer for OBA, your pitch must include a short biographical statement and 2-3 website links or attachments of your writing to serve as writing samples (this can be work published by yourself or in other publications).
Send pitches to upnext@ourbibleapp.com with the subject: “Devotional Pitch [Your Name]” The pitch may be sent as text in the email body or as an attached document.
What to Include in Your Pitch
For first time OBA writers, include a short biographical statement (2-4 sentences) and 2-3 writing samples in your pitch. All pitches must include a 2-4 sentence summary about your proposed devotional, a title, and a basic outline of what each day of the devotional will cover. Example:
[Your Name] [Summary of proposed devotional, 2-4 sentences] [Devotional Title]
- Day 1: [Title]
- [1-2 sentences or bullet points summarizing what you intend to write about on this day]
- Day 2: [Title]
- [1-2 sentences or bullet points summarizing what you intend to write about on this day]
You may direct any questions or concerns about this process to upnext@ourbibleapp.com.