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Tech FAQ

Go to the Community tab on the app, tap on the gear icon to access Settings, and tap “Restore Purchases.” This will not charge you again for your subscription, but will allow you to continue viewing premium content.

In order to add someone to a chat, you must be the chat creator and you also must have the person added as a friend.

  • To start a new chat and add people to it, go to the Community tab, tap the text bubble icon in the upper right hand corner, tap the pencil icon that appears in the same corner, then tap “ADD” next to each friend you wish to add to the chat. When you have finished, don’t forget to tap “SAVE” in the upper right hand corner!
  • To add people to an existing chat you have started, access the chat, tap “Participants” under the chat name, scroll to the end of the Participants list, tap the +ADD button, then tap “ADD” next to each friend you wish to include. When you have finished, don’t forget to tap “SAVE” in the upper right hand corner!

Access your friends list either by starting a new chat OR through the Participants list under an existing chat. Scroll to the bottom and tap “Find more friends.” Then enter the username of the person you wish to add into the search bar. Finally, tap the “ADD” button next to the person’s name.

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